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End of year cleanup

Posted on ma 28 december 2020 in news • Tagged with plan

So 2020 is finally coming to an end. Time for the traditional end of year digital assets cleaning / restructuring. I've decided to change the domain names in use for the last time, need to revisit web content on the corporate website some other time. The sliders have been pointing at …

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Posted on ma 17 februari 2020 in news • Tagged with plan

So I was at hacker hotel and it was great. I turned up for the infosec stuff, but I was inspired by the hacking stuff. 3D printers, homemade computers, silly builds. Clearly I spent too much time doing serious work and not enough really just fiddling around when it comes …

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The Prutsclub returns

Posted on ma 17 februari 2020 in news • Tagged with plan

As I will be fiddling with some hardware again, it seemed like a good time to revive this website.

More to be expected soon. For instance I ordered a Gigatron computer as a new project.