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Allow Zabbix monitoring to switch office lights

Posted on di 29 december 2020 in hacking • Tagged with open source, python, hue, monitoring

As my wife is not a big fan of the colored Hue light bulbs, I removed a couple of them from the living room. One of the bulbs is now delivering pink, blue or red light in the bedroom of our youngest. The other bulb was moved to my home …

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Fiddling with Hue and Phue

Posted on di 29 december 2020 in hacking • Tagged with open source, python, hue

Somewhere in 2019 I bought some color capable Hue lights and installed them in the living room. The SO was not impressed. So for most of the time they were just used as normal dimmable lightning. For a brief moment I tried to do some manipulation with python but as …

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Vinindeling / Baksindeling provisorisch gefixed

Posted on zo 29 maart 2020 in scoutingwdz • Tagged with python, perl

Vandaag heb ik het oude teamupdater script in perl vervangen met een herimplementatie in python. Dankzij een speciale export optie die Ad voor me geregeld heeft, kan ik de team/ploegen indeling zoals die is vastgelegd weer exporteren, ditmaal als los CSV bestand.

Dit bestand foutloos inlezen is nog geen …

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