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Preparing new rackserver setup with proxmox + opnsense + openbsd

Posted on zo 14 november 2021 in servers • Tagged with open source, proxmox, opnsense, openbsd

Physical server

Just for fun and for profit I'm preparing a new physical setup to be deployed in some rack not to far from my home. The first step was selecting hardware. I still have a Proliant ML350 on the attic, but figured it was too big to actually deploy …

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PC Engines APU2 with OPNsense firewall on top as homelab gateway

Posted on vr 27 oktober 2017 in networking • Tagged with open source, opnsense, hardware

There has always been some testing going on at home, but with the introduction of an extra firewall, there will be a separate network for tinkering and trials at home.

Opnsense logo

First I decided to buy an APU2 board from PC Engines. Although the APU first generation I had got fried …

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