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Using Nextcloud news instead of Inoreader/Feedly followup

Posted on zo 29 oktober 2023 in rss

So after a couple of days there are issues that need resolving:

  • One of the feeds keeps coming up with hundreds of old headlines presented as new (
  • The Nextnews iOS app appears to have it's own administration of read and unread items

One of the feeds keeps coming up with hundreds of old headlines presented as new

This is just one particular feed, but it clutters the unread list a lot. With hundreds of items. Not cool. It could be a bug in their RSS implementation, but I've never experienced this with either Feedly or Inoreader.

Instead of consuming the rss feed directly, I've just subscribed to a feedburner copy of the same rss feed. Just to see if it would address this issue. If it does, I need to check on any privacy implications of using feedburner.

The Nextnews iOS app appears to have it's own administration of read and unread items

So on my laptop I read/click headlines by using the nextcloud webinterface for news. Works OK enough for now. But from to time I want to catchup using the Nextnews app on my phone. Alas it appears that headline that are marked read in the nextcloud interface still are unread in the Nextnews. It is that or this could actually be a symptom of the issue mentioned above, where a single RSS feed floods the unread list with old headlines.

So, not there yet. But I will give it another week.