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Cypher status

Posted on zo 05 februari 2006 in plan

Things are working out fine with the virtual host in the US. The basic stuff like network monitoring, disk monitoring, nagios monitoring and expansion of the OpenVPN virtual ethernet to the new host have been set up.

The virtual machine has also been set up as my third smtp host. I skipped the virusscanning because of RAM constraints. But it is just there to store mail, when the primary mailserver comes up after an outage, it will take take of content scanning.

I also configured MySQL on the node to be in a Multi master scheme with my MySQL xen domain in the Netherlands. Although not officially supported by MySQL AB, I've used this setup succesfully before. Two way replication Whoohoo!. Data travelling across the OpenVPN links to keep things secure.

This website is also hosted on two hosts now, both on the apache xen domain in my home and on the Linode in the US. I want to synchronize the disk content using unison, but there are some details remaining to be fixed. For now, I will just scp index.html cypher.vpn:/home/websites/syncaddict/public_html/ when I'm done editing this page ;)